20 Jul

Manufacturers of electronic radiation emitting products sold in the United States are responsible for compliance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), Chapter V, Subchapter C - Electronic Product Radiation Control.

Manufacturers of surgical laser products are responsible for compliance with all applicable requirements of Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (Subchapter J, Radiological Health) Parts 1000 through 1005:

1000 - General

1002 - Records and Reports

1003 - Notification of defects or failure to comply

1004 - Repurchase, repairs, or replacement of electronic products

1005 - Importation of electronic products

In addition, surgical lasers must comply with radiation safety performance standards in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (Subchapter J, Radiological Health) Parts 1010, 1040.10, and 104.11:

1010 - Performance standards for electronic products: general

1040.10 - Lasers and Products Incorporating Lasers

1040.11 - Specific Purpose Laser Products

Because they are medical devices, surgical laser products must also comply with the medical device regulations. For more information, see Getting to Market with a Medical Device.

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